Dental Aesthetics

A estética dentária influência diretamente a saúde oral e autoestima das pessoas sobretudo para quem desempenha funções de atendimento ao público.

Dental Aesthetics

Dental aesthetics directly influences people's oral health and self-esteem, especially for those who work with the public. The search for a healthy and beautiful smile is therefore becoming increasingly frequent and accessible.

Some dental problems can hinder daily activities such as eating, talking, and sleeping among others.

Here are some examples of aesthetic procedures that can be perform:

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening or Tooth Bleaching is an aesthetic dental procedure that allows the patient to achieve a whiter smile quickly.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are caps placed on top of damaged teeth. Crowns are used to protect, cover and restore the shape of your teeth when fillings don’t solve the problem.

Diastema or gap between the teeth

Diastema refers to a gap or space between the teeth. These spaces can form anywhere in the mouth, but are sometimes noticeable between the two upper front teeth.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are attached to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.

Onlays, Inlays, Overlays

Types of dental treatments used to repair damaged portion of teeth that may be too large to be fixed with composite resin fillings. Normally indicated for posterior teeth, molars and premolars.

Dental Bridges

If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge can fill the gap with one or more teeth.

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